Monday, February 27, 2012

C4K Summary for February

c4k is written in pastel curly letters with a little cartoon boy sitting beside it on a computer

C4K #1
This week, I wrote on a fifth grade girl's blog named Asena. She attends Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand, and is in Mrs. Barks class. They just got back to school from the holidays, so she wrote about going to the beach with her family. She said it was so much fun! They had a barbecue and played volleyball and tag together. She also mentioned in her info part of her blog that her favorite subject in school is math.

I commented and told her that  I am studying to be a math teacher. I also told her that the beach is my absolute favorite place to go, and it seemed like she had a lot of fun over her break.

I also wrote on the 6th grade student, Lauren's video about the customary system. She really surprised me in how much she knew and how much she could do on the computer. I love that she was so creative and went above and beyond what her assignment asked of her to prove that she understood what she had been taught.

C4K #2
This week, I wrote on a fourth grade student's blog from Leopard Primary located in Victoria, Australia. Her name was Kayla, and she blogged about her eleven year old dog named Shari. She posted a video of Shari along with questions for anyone to answer if they commented on her post.

I told her that she really seemed to love and care for Shari, and that I use to have a dog named Fred up until about three years ago when he died. I told her that it was a hard time for my family and I when he passed away. Now, I would love to get a new puppy, but finding time to care for it is my main concern for not getting one right now. I told her that I loved her blog and to keep up the good.

C4K #3
This week, I read Amy's blog. She is a fifth grade student from British Colombia, Canada in Krissy Eppele's class. Amy is very creative and has a wonderful imagination. She wrote a story that had an unexpected ending. She was able to keep my attention throughout the whole story, and I was very impressed by it.

In my comment, I complimented her great imagination and creativity. I told her that she was very descriptive, which helped me get a feel of the scene and characters in the story. I really enjoyed reading her story, and I hope she continues to write and express her ideas.

C4K #4
I had the privilege of writing on a blog titled, Epic Dude this week. The post that I commented on was called "Domo Animate". The student talked about how he visited the Domo website and has already made four Domo videos. His favorite video that he has made is called "Domo, the Legendary Cop". Two more that he has are called " The 2012 Domo Olympics" and "A Very Domo Christmas".

Just by reading his simple post, I can tell that he is really creative and has a good grasp on technology and the internet. I told him that it was very impressive that he has already made four videos. I also told him that I will be checking out the videos that he has made thus far.

1 comment:

  1. Three (maybe 4) different countries. I really like C4K for this purpose - connecting with the world. I hope you will use blogging and C4K when you teach.
